The following are questions that we are frequently asked in relation to our energy brokering services. Our responses are as detailed as possible, but if you require more detailed information, please call us and we will be happy to help.
Why should I involve a broker when purchasing energy?
As a broker, our company works in the energy markets every day, therefore we have an excellent knowledge of what is average pricing, good pricing, and most importantly….GREAT PRICING! We also understand how you can take advantage of these opportunities.
What advantages do I gain when using a broker?
Simply speaking, a reputable energy broker will save you a great deal of time, effort and importantly, money. You are about running your business, and being an expert in every area, is not possible in todays busy world. We take the worry, confusion and indecision out of choosing the best energy option for your business.
Are there costs involved?
Depending on the type of work being completed and the size of the account, costs can vary from account to account.
At The Energy Alliance we work on a fee for service schedule that sits between $250 – $500 per account for commercial energy clients.
SME clients (small to medium enterprise) usually have the work completed for $50 – $100 per account.
What is the ROI?
In the final analysis, the investment you make via our fee is small change, compared to the overall benefits you will receive
The following are questions that we are frequently asked in relation to our energy auditing services. Our responses are as detailed as possible, but if you require more detailed information, please call us and we will be happy to help.
What does an energy audit consist of?
An Energy Audit is where an experienced team member from The Energy Alliance, completes a “walk through” examination of the site, establishing where energy is used within the business. Particular areas of interest are lighting, HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning), and equipment that might consume large amounts of electricity.
Is there a standard or benchmark attached to this audit process?
Yes, there is an Australian Standard for this auditing process. It is AS / NZS: 3598 : 2000
How long does an audit take?
This is dependant on the size of the premises. Usually, we can complete an audit within 3 hours for larger sites, and approximately 60 – 90 minutes for smaller sites.
Do we need to be on site when the audit is being conducted?
Generally not – we can navigate our way around the site collecting the data we require to produce the final report.
We will however need keys for locks, gates, etc…free access around the site is mandatory to gain maximum benefit from the audit.
The following are questions that we are frequently asked in relation to our tariff restructuring services. Our responses are as detailed as possible, but if you require more detailed information, please call us and we will be happy to help.
What is a Network Tariff?
Part of your energy bill has a component called “network pricing”. This component can often be the most expensive part of the bill. It is the charge for the lines and poles that deliver the power to your business.
Each network has has different price structures (network tariffs), and these can provide different pricing outcomes depending on your usage profile. eg you may use a great deal of power on weekends, therefore a network tariff that has cheap off peak power would be best for your business.
What is a Network Tariff Restructure?
A Network Tariff Restructure involves an experienced team member from The Energy Alliance reviewing your energy bill, discussing with you how your business runs (hours of trade, plant equipment used, etc…) then selecting the the most cost effective network tariff for your business.
How much can a Network Tariff Restructure save us?
The Energy Alliance has delivered savings of between $2500 – $20,000 per annum to our clients. The range is most usually between 5% – 20% of the total bill cost.
Is there a cost to my business for this service?
This service is included annually with our Guardian Gold program. Alternatively, the team can review on a case by case basis.
The following are questions that we are frequently asked in relation to our metering solutions. Our responses are as detailed as possible, but if you require more detailed information, please call us and we will be happy to help.
What part does metering play in your energy program?
Metering plays a vital role in your energy program. As you would know, the meter reads how much energy you use and this information helps retailers create the bills you receive.The type of meter you have can however, create very different outcomes for your energy program, including bringing great savings to your business.
What sort of meters are there?
There are many types of meters available. Most businesses spending under $24,000 per annum would have a basic meter. This measures peak and off peak usage which the retailer uses to bill you. This basic meter however, limits the amount of choices you have to change the way you purchase electricity. There are also more advanced meter types called type 4 communication meters, that send accurate readings to the meter provider every 30 minutes.
What does The Energy Alliance use for metering?
The Energy Alliance recommends and uses commercial grade, type 4, communications metering. This ‘state of the art’ metering technology gives accurate meter reads at 30 minute intervals and opens up to us a selection of network tariffs which can create significant savings for your business (see Network Tariff Restructuring). This metering also allows internet access to manage your energy usage better – on a day by day basis if necessary.
Is a meter change over hard to achieve?
Generally not, it is a simple matter of coming to your business at a pre arranged time, and exchanging one meter for another. Sometimes the power might need to be switched off for 20 minutes, but we pre organise this, for a time that suits you best.
The following are questions that we are frequently asked in relation to our energy management services. Our responses are as detailed as possible, but if you require more detailed information, please call us and we will be happy to help.
What Energy Management Services does Energy Alliance offer?
The Energy Alliance has services that include monthly bill auditing (checking for accuracy in billing, metering and tariff rates) and Level 1 Site auditing to AS / NZS 3598 : 2000.
We also have a range of energy reduction products to help reduce your electricity usage, and lower your carbon footprint.
What benefits can these services provide to my business?
The most important benefit to your business, is knowing that you are using your energy effectively, and at the best possible rates.
Managing your energy needs, does not have to be a difficult, complex process. Just a simple strategy and action plan, can see your business potentially saving $1000’s per annum, for very little cost.
The energy industry is a complex one, and quite often unsuspected events occur that can create problems that are hard to resolve. The issues can be around billing, transferring to another retailer, power interruptions, pricing issues, and whole host of other concerns.
We ask that if you ever have a problem, please call us on 03 9872 6869, and we will endeavour to resolve the issue, or give you direction as to how the problem can be fixed. It’s all part of the service at The Energy Alliance.
What happens if my power goes out?
The first thing to do is to check if it has happened to everyone in your street / precinct. If everyones power is out, then it is a network issue (lines and poles). Call your retailer – the company that sends you the bills. They will call the network company who will be out as soon as possible to fix the issue.
If it is your business only, then it is an internal issue, and you will need to get an electrical contractor in immediately, to fix the problem.
My bill has incorrect rates and charges?
You will need to contact your retailer (the company that sends you the bills). Their phone number should be on the top right hand side of the bills you receive.
If you are a client of The Energy Alliance, just give us a call, and we will sort this out for you. This way you can concentrate on running your business.
If I decide to change retailers how long should it take?
Changing retailers usually takes approximately 5 – 8 weeks for larger commercial sites and up to 13 weeks for SME sites.
It is not as quick as other services – like telecommunications where change over can be immediate. If this time frame has expired, and changeover has not occured, please call your retailer.
Again – if you are a client of The Energy Alliance, we will do the chasing for you.